Blog Title Inspiration - Rediff India Review Standard Disclaimers - All the content of this post is not owned by the author of the post, it was written by his Alter Ego. Please read the external links at your own risk, Author or his alter ego not responsible for any mental trauma associated with reading too much about the Great Prof Better late than never I have been a silent spectator to the entire IIPM issue and the virtual war it has unleashed. There is no defense of IIPM and its high handed techniques. To summarize Patrix (of DesiPundit fame), the core issue here is FREEDOM. In this age where we increasingly take this simple word for granted, what IIPM is doing and has been trying to do is to take away one thing we have which is truly ours and that is FREEDOM, particularly freedom of expression , freedom of choice, the ability and the opportunity to point out flaws in an argument without losing sense of rationality. Victor Frankl once pointed out; everything can be taken fr...