Adventures with R - Cricket Analysis (Predicting performance of Players based on previous ODI performances)
This is a continuing series on R and work on Cricket Analysis
Previous Series
Basic Setup
Getting all players in a single file
Clustering players based on ODI performance
This blogpost is focused on trying to predict individual player's performance on Runs the player will score based on performance in previous matches the player has played
** This code took longer to set up. The initial work was testing out different regression techniques, I kept coming back to the basic logistic regression as the model performance was not that improved between the runs. I believe the data is thin at an individual player level and therefore most regression techniques are having an issue with respecting to predicting runs scored. The model itself is not that great, it is basically predicting runs the player will score based on the balls faced, the Venue Type (Home or Away) and the Opposition Type (Strong or Weak)
Files are available at Code
Full code is reproduced for reference
df <- read.csv("ODIData.csv")
names(df)[names(df) == 'VenueType.y'] <- 'VenueType'
Player1 <- sqldf("Select Player, Runs, Mins, BF, Fours, Sixes, SR, Pos, Inns,
case when VenueType='Away' then 0
when VenueType='Home' then 1
else 0 end as VenueType,
when Opposition = 'v South Africa' then 1
when Opposition = 'v Australia' then 1
when Opposition = 'v New Zealand' then 1
when Opposition = 'v England' then 1
when Opposition = 'v Pakistan' then 1
else 0 end as OppositionType,
case when Result = 'Won' then 1
else 0 end as ResultType,
when Dismissal = 'not out' then 1
when Dismissal = 'retired notout' then 1
else 0 end as DismissalType
from df")
Player1$Boundaries <- (Player1$Fours + Player1$Sixes)
Player1$BoundariesPct <- ifelse(!Player1$Boundaries, 0, Player1$Boundaries / Player1$Runs)
Player1$SR <- ifelse(!Player1$BF, 0, (Player1$Runs * 100)/(Player1$BF))
# Players in database
PlayerTable <- read.csv("PlayerTable.csv")
player_results <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(PlayerTable)) {
player_results[[i]] <- data.frame(playerid = PlayerTable$PlayerID[i], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Player <- data.table::rbindlist(player_results, fill = TRUE)
Player <- unique(Player[,1])
rm(list= ls()[!(ls() %in% c('Player','df','Player1' ))])
## Creating loop variables for Balls faced, Opposition Type & Venue Type
BF <- data.frame(rep(1:200, each=1))
names(BF) <- c("BF")
OppType <- data.frame(rep(0:1, each=1))
names(OppType) <- c("OppType")
VenueType <- data.frame(rep(0:1, each=1))
names(VenueType) <- c("VenueType")
extraction_list <- list()
m <- 0
for (h in 1:nrow(Player)) {
for (i in 1:nrow(BF)) {
for (j in 0:nrow(OppType)) {
for (k in 0:nrow(VenueType)) {
m <- m+1
tryCatch ({
ds <- Player1[ which(Player1$Player==Player$playerid[h]), ]
fit <- lm(Runs ~ BF + OppositionType + VenueType,
post <- predict(fit, data.frame(Player = Player$playerid[h],
BF = BF$BF[i],
extraction_list[[m]] <- data.frame(Player = Player$playerid[h],
Runs = post,
BF = BF$BF[i],
OppositionType = OppType$OppType[j],
VenueType = VenueType$VenueType[k],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}, error = function(e) e)
PlayerForecast <- data.table::rbindlist(extraction_list[!extraction_list=='NA'], fill = TRUE)
PlayerDS <- sqldf("Select distinct Player, PlayerName from df")
finaldf <- merge(PlayerForecast, PlayerDS, by="Player", all.x = TRUE)
write.csv(finaldf, "PlayerForecast.csv")
Previous Series
Basic Setup
Getting all players in a single file
Clustering players based on ODI performance
This blogpost is focused on trying to predict individual player's performance on Runs the player will score based on performance in previous matches the player has played
** This code took longer to set up. The initial work was testing out different regression techniques, I kept coming back to the basic logistic regression as the model performance was not that improved between the runs. I believe the data is thin at an individual player level and therefore most regression techniques are having an issue with respecting to predicting runs scored. The model itself is not that great, it is basically predicting runs the player will score based on the balls faced, the Venue Type (Home or Away) and the Opposition Type (Strong or Weak)
Files are available at Code
Full code is reproduced for reference
df <- read.csv("ODIData.csv")
names(df)[names(df) == 'VenueType.y'] <- 'VenueType'
Player1 <- sqldf("Select Player, Runs, Mins, BF, Fours, Sixes, SR, Pos, Inns,
case when VenueType='Away' then 0
when VenueType='Home' then 1
else 0 end as VenueType,
when Opposition = 'v South Africa' then 1
when Opposition = 'v Australia' then 1
when Opposition = 'v New Zealand' then 1
when Opposition = 'v England' then 1
when Opposition = 'v Pakistan' then 1
else 0 end as OppositionType,
case when Result = 'Won' then 1
else 0 end as ResultType,
when Dismissal = 'not out' then 1
when Dismissal = 'retired notout' then 1
else 0 end as DismissalType
from df")
Player1$Boundaries <- (Player1$Fours + Player1$Sixes)
Player1$BoundariesPct <- ifelse(!Player1$Boundaries, 0, Player1$Boundaries / Player1$Runs)
Player1$SR <- ifelse(!Player1$BF, 0, (Player1$Runs * 100)/(Player1$BF))
# Players in database
PlayerTable <- read.csv("PlayerTable.csv")
player_results <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(PlayerTable)) {
player_results[[i]] <- data.frame(playerid = PlayerTable$PlayerID[i], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Player <- data.table::rbindlist(player_results, fill = TRUE)
Player <- unique(Player[,1])
rm(list= ls()[!(ls() %in% c('Player','df','Player1' ))])
## Creating loop variables for Balls faced, Opposition Type & Venue Type
BF <- data.frame(rep(1:200, each=1))
names(BF) <- c("BF")
OppType <- data.frame(rep(0:1, each=1))
names(OppType) <- c("OppType")
VenueType <- data.frame(rep(0:1, each=1))
names(VenueType) <- c("VenueType")
extraction_list <- list()
m <- 0
for (h in 1:nrow(Player)) {
for (i in 1:nrow(BF)) {
for (j in 0:nrow(OppType)) {
for (k in 0:nrow(VenueType)) {
m <- m+1
tryCatch ({
ds <- Player1[ which(Player1$Player==Player$playerid[h]), ]
fit <- lm(Runs ~ BF + OppositionType + VenueType,
post <- predict(fit, data.frame(Player = Player$playerid[h],
BF = BF$BF[i],
extraction_list[[m]] <- data.frame(Player = Player$playerid[h],
Runs = post,
BF = BF$BF[i],
OppositionType = OppType$OppType[j],
VenueType = VenueType$VenueType[k],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}, error = function(e) e)
PlayerForecast <- data.table::rbindlist(extraction_list[!extraction_list=='NA'], fill = TRUE)
PlayerDS <- sqldf("Select distinct Player, PlayerName from df")
finaldf <- merge(PlayerForecast, PlayerDS, by="Player", all.x = TRUE)
write.csv(finaldf, "PlayerForecast.csv")