Random Tip : Using SSH to get into a Cloud VM
Almost ever cloud VM follows the script of having the public key on the cloud and the private key on your local machine. If you are using Windows and have to use SSH and have to use SSH commands to remote into the machine, you might run into file permission issues where the SSH verbose output comes back with a "File Permissions are too broad" type of errors
Nifty way to resolve it
Use your CLI and you are all set ! ::
Set Key="C:\Path\to\keyfile"
:: # Remove Inheritance ::
Cmd /c Icacls %Key% /c /t /Inheritance:d
:: # Set Ownership to Owner ::
Cmd /c Icacls %Key% /c /t /Grant %UserName%:F
:: # Remove All Users, except for Owner ::
Cmd /c Icacls %Key% /c /t /Remove Administrator "Authenticated Users" BUILTIN\Administrators BUILTIN Everyone System Users
:: # Verify ::
Cmd /c Icacls %Key%