Balkanization of Pakistan
Pakistan - Should it be Balkanized ? While discussing my earlier post on 'A Weak India' with people, I realized that there was a total lack of awareness among the Indian Diaspora about what is going on back home and in general the subcontinent. I did get a few intelligent responses and one particularly interesting discussion was what is the rationale of having Pakistan as an independent country ? Life is the gift of nature, but beautiful living is the gift of wisdom", says a Greek adage. Maverick Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf needs to suck up this sage saying down to his glib throat; whether he and his predecessors have been helpful in providing a " beautiful living" to the people of Afghanistan, their own denizens who had clamoured for Pakistan, and to the hapless Moslems of Kashmir, on the eastern fringe of truncated Pakistan. The leadership in undivided Pakistan, by pursuing unsound policies, had on the contrary played fraud on its own people. ...