Biking in Washington DC

One of the advantages of staying in Washington DC (apart from the museums and the proximity to three
fantastic National Parks) is the Biking. There is nothing more relaxing than you hunched down on your bike, the sweat dripping in your eyes, the wind whipping you on the face and finally the exhilaration of victory when the trail ends. Additionally, you
get to see DC up and close. DC is a particularly biker friendly city. The Washington DC Metro (WMATA) permits bikers on all weekends and in most hours of a weekday (except between 7 AM and 10 AM and then again between 4 PM and 7 PM). This allows bikers to access the various trail heads pretty easily.My personal favorite is the Custis trail which you can start from the Courthouse Metro station and snake your way through Rosslyn, Gravelly Point, Reagan National Airport and finally Old Town Alexandria. There are also other "bike-heads" on this particular trail, where you can head off. Try the four mile run or if you are really feeling adventurous, try the Mount Vernon trail. You can either buy your own bikes (much advised if you intend to head out every other week) or you can rent bikes from the several bike shops which are found in either Old Town Alexandria or Courthouse. The Washington Area Bicyclists Association (WABA) is an excellent organization promoting the use of bikes in Washington DC. Bike Washington provides an excellent resource for locating rental bikes. HAPPY BIKING.


Anonymous said…
H. Hokie ,

I need to copyright all my pictures before giving them to you.

Mount vernon trail is the best of all. Four mile run trail runs parallel to a sewage outfall, Old dominion trail (from falls church to arlington) is average.

Go Hokies !
Sharath Bulusu said…
I was surprised to read this entry after having heard you last weekend - bad-mouthing the Mt. Vernon trail with choice gaalis. But like all men of character, you too have the right to change your mind at the drop of a topi.

Cheers and all that shit,
Anonymous said…
H. Hokie,

I shall never show you any biking/hiking trails in future. You abused my favorite trail. The proof is now on your blog.


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